You can have your go-to page to see all available crypto assets which offers more than 200 of them here. Our crypto products system shows prices in USD and sorts crypto assets based on the market capitalization. The key metrics such as the closing price, total and available number of coins, traded volume and price change percentage are all available for you.
SkyNeb Financial Services makes it possible to instantly distribute financial data to multiple company or individuals from end-to-end, quickly and seamlessly. The data stream is securely transferred from end to end without any problem.
SkyNeb has a variety of receiver / transmitter infrastructure on different software platforms for data generation, data transmission and data receiving. All of the data flow, information and processing platforms made by SkyNeb can be used as White-Label for our customers who can transact in a certain volume. In addition, our customers could use our platforms as insource and outsource by integrating their own systems with our advanced APIs.